Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

Lirik Lagu

He Is We - All About Us

Take my hand, I'll teach you to dance

I'll spin you around, won't let you fall down

Would you let me lead? You can step on my feet

Give it a try, it'll be alright

The room's hush hush and now's our moment

Take it in, feel it all and hold it

Eyes on you, eyes on me

We're doing this right

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love

Spotlight's shinning. It's all about us

It's oh oh all

About uh uh us

And every heart in the room will melt

This is feeling i've never felt

But it's all about us

Suddenly I'm feeling brave

Don't know what's got into me

Why I feel this way

Can we dance real slow?

Can  I hold you real close?

The room's hush hush and now's our moment

Take it in, feel it all and hold it

Eyes on you, eyes on me

We're doing this right

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song

Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it

Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song

Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it

Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Do you hear that love? They're playing our song

Do you think we're ready? Oh, I'm really feeling it

Do you hear that love? Do you hear that love?

Lovers dance when they're playing our song

Spotlight's shinning. It's all about us

It's oh oh all

Every heart in the room will melt

This is a feeling I've never felt

But it's all about us

Cause lovers dance when they're feeling in love

Spotlight's shinning. It's all about us

It's oh oh all ( about us )

Hey hey hey

( And every heart in the room will melt )

This is feeling I've never felt

This is a feeling I've never felt

But it's all, It's all about us

Jumat, 05 Desember 2014

Resep Makanan

Pisang Coklat Keju

Bahan : 

1. 2 Sisir Pisang Kepok ( Iris )

2. Margarin / Mentega

3. Susu Kental Manis Rasa Vanila

4. Meses Coklat

5. 1 Batang Keju Kraft ( Parut )

Cara Membuat

1. Letakkan teflon di atas kompor

2. Beri margarin / mentega secukupnya

3. Nyalakan kompor dengan api kecil

4. Lelehkan Margarin

5. Letakkan pisang di teflon, masak hingga kecoklatan

6. Tiriskan dan letakkan di piring saji

7. Tuang susu kental manis di atas pisang

8. Taburi dengan keju dan meses

Selamat Menikmati !!!

Kamis, 04 Desember 2014

Tutorial Hijab

Tutorial Hijab Ala Dian Pelangi

Bahan : 

1. Dalaman Ninja

2. Jilbab Phasmina

3. Jarum / Bros Kecil

Cara Menggunakan :

1. Gunakanlah Dalaman Ninja 

2. Gunakan Jilbab phasmina

3. Atur Supaya Panjangnya Sama

4. Beri Jarum / Bros Kecil di Bawah Dagu

5. Bentuk Simpul Seperti Pita

Jilbab Phasmina Ala Dian Pelangi Sudah Siap !!!

Lirik Lagu

John Legend - All Of Me

What would I do without your smart mouth

Drawing me in, and you kicking me out

You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down

What's going on in that beautiful mind

I'm on your magical mystery ride

And i'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright

My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh

How many times do I have to tell you

Even when you're crying you're beautiful too

The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood

You're my downfall, you're my muse

My worst distraction, my ryhthm and blues

I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh

Give me all of you

Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts

Risking it all, though it's hard

Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you

I give you all of me

And you give me all of you, oh

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Pahlawan Dalam Hidupku

Dulu aku selalu menyakitimu
Selalu membantah perintahmu
Menyuruhmu bahkan membentakmu

Kau pahlawan dalam hidupku
Kau mengandungku selama 9 bulan di rahimmu
Kau pula yang mengasuhku sejak kecil dengan kasihmu

Maafkan semua kesalahanku
Aku telah durhaka padamu
Aku tak pantas mendapat surgamu
Aku menyesali semua perbuatanku

Aku bangga memiliki ibu sepertimu
Kau selalu memperhatikanku
Kau selalu ada di sampingku

Aku akan berusaha membahagiakanmu
Hingga kau merasa bangga padaku
Serta menyayangimu

Hingga akhir hidupku



Hai Semua !!!

    Sebelum kalian ngeliat blog aku, kalian kenalan dulu sama pembuatnya. karena pepatah mengatakan, "Tak Kenal Maka Tak Sayang".

    Kenalin Nama Aku Karina Dewi Maharani. Aku biasa di panggil Karina. Aku lahir di Klaten 23 Maret. Aku sekarang duduk di bangku SMP kelas 9.

    Aku punya Hobi Shopping. Aku suka banget shopping, soalnya menurut aku shopping itu bisa ngebangkitin mood. Apalagi kalau lagi bad mood, paling enak tuh buat shopping.
    Cita - citaku adalah aku pengen jadi pengusaha. Tepatnya adalah pengusaha Restoran. Aku pengen punya restoran yang berkonsep beda dari yang pernah ada. 
Do'ain ya semua, semoga cita - citaku terkabul. Amin...

    Makanan Favorit aku adalah Mie Ayam. Aku paling suka Mie Ayam Solo. Karena selain rasanya enak, harganya juga terjangkau. Kalau kalian pengen tahu gimana rasanya, jangan lupa di coba ya.

    O iya. aku lupa ngenalin artis favorit aku. Artis favorit aku adalah Kevin Julio. Karena menurut aku dia artis yang the best. Dia itu cute, lucu, ganteng, tinggi lagi. Itu alasan kenapa aku suka sama Kevin Julio.

   Aku punya kata mutiara buat kalian " Smile Is A Simple Way Of Enjoying Life "

   Sekian dulu ya, kenalan sama aku. semoga kalian suka dengan Blog aku. Kritik dan Saran kalian selalu aku tunggu. Love You Semua...

Pantun Nasehat

1.  Ada Iklan namanya berniaga

     Ada anak sedang bermain batu

     Kalau kita ingin masuk surga

     Laksanakanlah solat lima waktu

2.  Jalan - Jalan ke Baitullah

     Di sana bertemu Dinda

     Jika ingin di sayang Allah

     Bahagiakanlah hati ayah dan bunda

3.  Ada buah namanya srikaya

     Ada botol berbentuk tabung

     Jika ingin menjadi orang kaya

     Rajin - rajinlah dalam menabung

4.  Ada artis namanya cita citata

     Ada anak sedang asik berkaca

     Jika ingin meraih cita - cita

     Bangkitlah dan terus berusaha

5.  Terbang tinggi ke luar angkasa

     Terbangnya bersama Pak. Yahya

     Jika ingin memajukan bangsa

     Lestarikanlah budayanya